Chit Chat Stitch with Julie
Forest Bathing by Julie
How We Know
Anhinga Rustica
This Episode is a Yield
Susan’s Ruth’s
This Star We Live With
The pincushion is complete.
Observing, Interacting
A spot in the garden where surprisingly much might be happening if I watch for it. This is an early May photo.
The podcast carrel.
An Interim Hello
The Tapestry Psychotherapy “big chair”.
Chit Chat Stitch with Alison
Alison is wearing a lovely thing.
Chit Chat Stitch with Lisa One
Hi, Lisa One!
Chit Chat Stitch with Jan
Alpaca Swatch
Chit Chat Stitch with Louise
Chit Chat Stitch with Scott
Scott, with Tom and Jerry
Wait . . . shiffle-shuffle?
The loveliest of blankets, that has a hold on me.
Keeping it Going
A regular-degular washcloth knit is sometimes just the thing.
Making a Start
Making a Start
Blanket of Squares
That’s not knitting.